Sunday, November 13, 2011

Letting Go....

      In our lives there's always going to be heartache and pain. This can come in many forms: losing a loved one, divorce, losing a job, and letting people go, just to name a few. This past week has been full of heartache and pain not only for me, but for several people. In the middle of this whirlwind of emotions, though, I have started to find comfort in the little things. Like a smile coming from my daughter that isn't feeling so well, or a hug from my other daughter that is hurting and just as confused as I am. We have even found laughter in youtube videos by Tim Hawkins (please go check these out!).
     God never said that we would not experiance pain, hurt, or sadness in this lifetime, but He does promise that there will be no more tears when we are with Him in Heaven. That's what I'm looking forward to! He also never said that as Christians our lives would be easy. No, we will face pursecution and trials. A dear friend of mine once told me, "When the time comes are you going to remain seated with the judges, or stand with the pursecuted?" I will choose to stand no matter how scared I may be, or what people may say. This life is all about the decisions we make, and at the end of it those decisions will determine if my Father welcomes me home as a good and faithful servant, or turns me away because He never knew me. I make the choice to not only stand before my Maker as His servant, but to also be the example so that my children can do the same. "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" Joshua 24:15
     Here are some people who are helping us get there:

                                         My Grandmother: Inez Edwards

                                                    My Daughter: Michaela

                                             My Best Friend: Mrs. Jeri

                                                     Youth Leader Summer 2010: Clint Wren

                                    Youth Leader 2011: Jordan Rogers and his wife Julia

Thursday, November 3, 2011

My First Blog

Okay so I'm not really sure what I'm going to write about yet, or even what I'm doing for that matter, but I guess it will come in time. I'm starting this blog as a way to reach more people, and share with them the things that I have either been through, or am going through. I make no promises that the person reading this will be able to identify with anything that I say, but my hope is that maybe one person will. I want to be a beacon for others that have struggled or are struggling with the same things I have. I make no excuses for the things that I have done in my past because I chose to do them, but I do not regret anything either. Those choices either right or wrong have molded me into the person I am today. I know without a shadow of a doubt that there is a God. I fully believe and trust in His will for my life. If that offends you.....good! I will talk about my God on this blog and tell of His greatness in my life. I love my family, and my friends abundantly, but no one on this earth will take the place of my children. They are the reason I get up in the morning and work so hard throughout the day. They are a part of my soul, and give me a greater reason for living. As I close this first entry I hope and pray that you will be a part of this journey with me. Please tell me what you like or don't like, or what you need help with and I will do my best to help.  Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this. May you be blessed in wherever God leads you today.

In His Hands,